Growing up, I usually had to face a corned beef and cabbage dinner on or around St. Patrick's Day. Never cared for the meat or the cabbage, but the carrots and potatoes picked up wonderful flavor from the briney water of the boiled dinner.
I've never served this dish to my family.
The other unpleasant food associated with the Irish -- at least in my book -- was the soda bread studded with caraway seeds and currants. Neither appeals to me.
So what a revelation it was when I first tasted wheaten bread in Ireland. This dense, no-yeast loaf is both healthy and delicious. Made with whole wheat flour and buttermilk, it has a creamy taste -- and no add-ins to spoil the consistency and taste. I've made it from several different recipes (and can never remember which I used last). There are any number of versions online. I like the look of this recipe, but I'd use butter instead of margarine.
If I'm over in West Newton, (Mass.) I pick up the delicious wheaten loaves at the Keltic Krust Bakery,
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